About - Shimnit India Pvt. Ltd.
Buisness Objective
Augmentation of internal national security through high security registration plates.
Security on the move.
About Shimnit
Post the amendment to Rule 50 of the Central Motor Vehicle Rule, 1989, Shimnit India Pvt. Ltd. was formed.
The amendment brought about stringent specifications for registration plates of Motor vehicles keeping in view the need to standardise registration plates and also to incorporate security features which would be deterrent to all vehicle related crimes.
Shimnit India Pvt. Ltd. works in its capacity as the manufacturer of HSRP according to the guidelines set by the ministry of Road Transport and Highways. Since 2001, SIPL has gathered volumes of experience in the number plate business and the rich experience has propelled them to become the leaders for the HSRP project in India.
Shimnit India Pvt. Ltd. has leveraged its individual strength viz. Innovation, Technology, Manufacturing and Logistics and has set up a state-of-the-art manufacturing plant in Kala Amb. The plant has sufficient capacity to cater to the need of the entire nation to produce blanks in a fully automatic, sensor control production sequence, as per the specifications approved by the Government of India.
SIPL aims to be the catalyst which will usher in a paradigm shift in the role that registration plates play in crime prevention, detection and road safety. In addition, the strict adherence to the guidelines will eliminate roadside vendors and ensure standardization and a stream lined databank of vehicle owners practically converting a number plate in to finger prints of vehicles.
SIPL has been formed with an objective to augment Internal National Security through High Security Registration Plates (HSRP) in India and to cater to the required specifications as defined by the Government of India.
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